Thursday, July 05, 2007

Catching up

A quick update of what's happened since I last got on the blog.

My daughter Sara graduated from high school and started college. Sara was accepted to UT Austin as a Summer Freshman, which means she is taking 9 hours this summer. So, on the Monday after she graduated, we packed up the car and I moved her into her dorm room. It was surreal moving my daughter into the dorm I lived in back in '76. She is happy and doing well. This was a good decision. She's gotten to know the campus and has had a chance to adjust to UT without 50,000 students around.

Sara's graduation turned out to be wonderful, despite the fact that I was working nonstop prior to the day and a few minor crisis. I designed and made her dress and she loved it. (Her school has the girls wearing white dresses and lace crowns.) We also had a big party in the back yard for her following graduation.

My son Michael's wedding plans are also moving forward. He is getting married on August 18 in Seattle. We have the caterer booked for the rehearsal dinner, which will be at Sarah-in-law's parents' house. I still need to do some things, like arrange to rent tables and chairs, order wine and beer and figure out a dessert. And I have a dress, so that's taken care of. (And it's not beige. It's a deep coral pink.) Michael and Sarah both graduated from college in May (we didnt' go because of scheduling problems such as the same weekend as Sara's prom and we'll be traveling to Seattle). Both are now in Houston. Michael is living at home and Sarah-in-law is living with friends. We have room, but living with the future in-laws is a bit of a creepy concept. I wouldn't have done it. The two of them are both working for a kids' day camp this summer and Michael will be teaching in the fall. Sarah-in-law is also job hunting for a full-time position. They've done well, despite Michael breaking his ankle on the second day of work at camp. A 4th grader took him out, but he was back at work in a couple of days.

I've been off work this week and this morning, I'm grabbing my youngest, Emily, and we're heading to Austin to pick up Sara and then we'll head to Rockport to see my mom and hang out. Plans are to shop for something for them to wear to the wedding at my sister's store. It's a lot of driving and it should be interesting as I plan to go through my home town. I haven't been down there in ages.

Off to pack...

Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm back

After months of not being able to post due to not being able to access this blog, I finally figured out what the problem was and I am able to post again. It's been frustrating to write stuff and not be able to post it. So look for more entries.
