The biggest project on the horizon (once I finish the summer magazine for the school) is painting our kitchen and den at home. Larry has a business trip to Vegas in a couple of weeks, so I am taking a week of vacation (time which must be used before the end of June) to do the painting. It's going to be huge as we have the most incredibly ugly dark wood paneling and cabinets. One small section of the paneling and trim is done already, because I needed to test the chosen colors before buying the paint. As it turned out, I didn't quite like the colors I originally chose. It took multiple trips to Lowe's before I was totally happy.
I'm going with a retro green for the paneling and cabinets with a white trim. The wallpaper is coming down too. I had hoped to have it done by now, but just getting the colors chosen took up most of Memorial Day weekend, then last weekend I was either at work or at home baking cupcakes for my neighbor's son's graduation party. She baked cupcakes for my daughter's graduation party last year, so turn about was fair play.
At any rate, I will have a busy week. Hopefully the daughters will be available to help as this must be finished before the big end of the year choir party I'm hosting at the house on the 21st.
It's always something.