Monday, November 01, 2010

"I See Pumpkins"

That's what my psychic friend from choir told me last Friday night when we were out celebrating a friend's birthday. I had heard about how Beth 'senses' or 'sees' things, but I'd never experienced it for myself. She had taken our friend's hand and was describing what she saw. It's basically smatterings of images and words. So, having had a drink, I reached out my hand and she took it. And told me "I see pumpkins. What is up with that?" Both my husband and I burst out laughing and Larry explained that as soon as pumpkins start appearing in the stores I start to bring them home, a few at a time. It's a bit of an obsession of mine in the fall.

But probably the main reason she saw pumpkins is that this past Saturday we had our annual pumpkin carving party, or as I like to call it, "Small Children with Knives."

Some of the highlights from this year's event:

The twins discovering a squirrel skull next to the driveway as soon as they arrived. They immediately picked it up to show to their mother, leading her to say words she never imagined would come out of her mouth, "Boys, put down the squirrel skull."

My granddog, Laila (a miniature dachschund), zipping around in her banana split costume, much to the delight of the little kids.

The sheer, utter delight of loading up all those little kids on sugar, then sending them home with their parents. One of the twins came in at the start of the party and asked his mom for a cookie. Of course, she said 'No, not until after supper.' I laughed and told her, "Now if he had asked me, the answer would have yes, but if he's stupid enough to ask you instead of me, then too bad."

The terrific pumpkins all lined up and lit with candles.

Watching my various friends, some of whom had never met, making connections and having a wonderful time on a perfect October evening.

It was the best ever. Guess I'll do it again next year.

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