Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Out of the Deep Fryer and into the Fire

Hold on...just a minute...where is that damn thing? Oh, there it is. Be right back.

Okay, got it. Had to find my soapbox and drag it out of storage. Yes, it's time for me to climb up on it again. But this won't take long. In the meantime, if you'd really rather not listen to me rattle on about what's currently bothering me, well, then the Olympics are on. Go watch. I think someone won a gold medal today, lessee, who was it? No, I'm not going to tell you who won today and spoil your viewing fun. But seriously, if you'd rather not deal with my rantings (not that this is much of a rant tonight), I give you permission to go. Come back later when I'm not on my soapbox and we'll have some fun.

Right now though I really need to make a few points about the whole Chick-Fil-A brouhaha.

1. Chick-Fil-A, a private company owned by a very, very conservative Christian family, is in the deep fryer over the fact that they actively donate to conservative Christian groups who actively oppose gay rights.

2. Chick-Fil-A, in donating to these conservative groups, is perfectly within their rights to do so. It's their money and they can do whatever they want with it.

3. Some people feel strongly about the money they spend on lunch not going to these conservative groups, who actively oppose gay rights. And they are refusing to do business with Chick-Fil-A. Which is also their right.

4. One of the people who has a problem with Chick-Fil-A's donations to groups that support discrimination against GLBT people (that would be Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Transgender) is the mayor of Chicago, who is opposing Chick-Fil-A opening stores in Chicago because of the owner's conservative views/donations.

5. Can or should Chicago try to legislate what types of charitable/non-profit donations made by any company are acceptable? I think not. That's a little too big brother for my taste.

6. Do I personally think donating to groups that actively lobby for laws that discriminate against GLBT or quite frankly, any group or person, is a truly Christian act and morally responsible? No, I don't. I personally think it's morally reprehensible.

7. Does that change my belief that Chick-Fil-A has the right to donate their money to who they want to donate it to? No, it's their money and they can waste as much of it as they want.

8. Will I be giving any of my hard earned cash to Chick-Fil-A knowing that this is the kind of charitable donations they make? No, they've lost my business. Because it is my right as a consumer to choose where I spend my money, based on my own personal moral code.

9. Do I have suggestions for Chick-Fil-A on some better uses for their charitable donations? Why yes, I do. How about funding vaccinations for children in the poorer parts of America and the world? Donating to literacy groups. Donating to food banks? Or anything that would genuinely help their fellow man rather than to groups who want to beat down anyone they consider to be 'different.'

10. What else? Oh yes, I'd like to point out to the owners of Chick-Fil-A that contrary to what they think, keeping America free is not about keeping it free of anyone whose lifestyle, religion, or sexual orientation they disagree with. Keeping America free is about ensuring that everyone, and I do mean everyone, has the same rights as the person standing next to them or across the cultural divide.

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